Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Science ... yeah!

We began our unit on PLANTS & POLLINATION today.  The children worked in pairs to create a KWL chart - what they KNOW, what they WANT to know and at the end of the unit they will fill in what they LEARNED.  Over the next few days, we will observe dry beans and then soak them over a night or two and observe what happens.  We discussed what it means to be a scientist and what a good observation looks like.  We watched a video on Making Observations
Next week, we will discuss the parts of a seed and their functions.  

We continue to work with partners.  Working with a partner makes the task easier to do and it's so much for more fun! 

WOW!  I am not sure what I need to teach -- the kids KNOW so much already!

2 brains are better than 1! 

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