Thursday, November 1, 2012

November Reading Calendar

We have been discussing the importance of reading and really trying to understand why read.  We are beginning to understand that we read literature for different reasons than why we read non-fiction.  We do a great deal of reading both in 3M!  In October, I wanted the students to understand and get used to reading each night and filling in their reading calendar.  In November, I have added a back to the reading calendar.  This will give the kids a purpose for reading each night.  Included is also a reading goal for each week in November.  If your child meets this goal, please initial next to the goal.  Any reading calendar questions, please email me, call me, or leave a post on the blog.  We discussed the reading calendar in detail today so your children should have a good understanding of what is expected of them.  Happy Reading! 

FRONT of calendar per usual

BACK of November Calendar

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