Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Note Taking

 This week we started a new writing unit - writing to inform.  This involves writing to provide information: describe, explain, give the reader facts, tell what something looks like, and summarize.  I will be linking reading and writing through science  to show the children how these skills are interconnected.

We read an informational text about Jupiter, then analyzed it.  We talked about the features of a great description: strong lead, well-organized factual information, powerful verbs, illustrations and supporting visuals, and a strong conclusion.  We also talked about selecting and noting facts from multiple sources!  We practiced taking notes using words and pictures.  Taking notes involves writing down only the most important information that you want to remember, not copying whole sentences and paragraphs.  Students took notes using multiple sources on the solar system -- they then took their notes and made the notes into a picture.  Kids found that picture note-taking is more fun but not always as easy!  Students were able to share their note-taking skills with their classmates!

Analyzing the text on "Jupiter," & continuing to learn highlighting skills & using our highlighted notes for note-taking!

Writing binders are getting filled to the max with each unit we study!

Elliot is always willing to share his work! 

Max gets to display his work on the ELMO for the class to see his note-taking skills ... and guess what his notes said based on his note-taking picture!

Can you guess what these notes are based on the picture?

You can see how Sophia has quickly grasped the concept of different forms of note-taking!  Informational writing should be a breeze for her!

Hmm ... Jack is showing the class his picture notes -- do you know what he is showing? 

Monday, January 28, 2013


There is no better feeling than the feeling of being appreciated!  The kids made this during indoor recess and was quite the surprise when Miss Keeler and I arrived back to the classroom after lunch!  Your children are so incredibly thoughtful and wonderful ... it's amazing how much we have grown together since September!  You can also see how quickly they have come to welcome Miss Keeler with open arms as if she has been here since September as well!  They are the best! 


Miss Keeler is already a whiz at using the ELMO!

It has been such a joy to have Miss Keeler join our classroom!  She has settled nicely into the routine and has gotten to know your children so quickly ... She is hands-on, speaks clearly and hold your children to the same expectations as I do!  She has truly immersed herself into the world of 3M flawlessly!  Please make sure to introduce yourself when you come by for a visit! 


In math we have been working hard at explaining the answers using words, numbers and examples to prove their answer.  Here, Ella Traynor gave a perfect mathematical explanation where she restated the question, proved her answer with words, numbers and an example.  Bravo Ella! 


We have had lengthy discussions in 3M about their belongings and how to keep them safe!  Please help me in discussing with your child the importance of putting away their winter gear neatly so that they don't lose anything!  Above, you can see that they are still working on this task!  Hopefully what I teach them here about putting away their belongings neatly will carry over at home :)


The kids LOVE meeting with their BUDDIES!   The past few weeks, the 3rd graders have been helping the kindergartners to learn as well as practice writing & spelling their sight words and numbers!  

Weekly Reflections!

I hope you have enjoyed the weekly reflections that have been coming home!  I am amazed at how honest and thoughtful the reflections have been, especially with how many stars they give themselves!  It is such a great conversations piece between parent & child and another great way for us to communicate!  make sure the reflections are signed each weekend and sent back to school on Mondays with your child to put into their binder! 

Reading for Information!

We have started a new writing unit ... informational writing!  Your children have been hard at work, reading a plethora of informational text.  This unit should be a breeze for them!  Melanie, without knowing, created her own informational text on penguins that she was delighted to share with the class -- Hmm... I think Melanie will have to help teach the unit since she is already an expert! 

Multiplication ... OH MY!

Your children have worked so hard learning their multiplication facts!  Together we have created a math multiples book as well as their very own laminated (they love that) multiplication chart!  At any time during the day, they can read these two sources to help them practice and memorize their facts!  We have also started RACECAR MATH!  Thank you to Dana Burns for painting our track!  Please ask your child about this -- if they have not already informed you! 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Moula for Mittens!

The Bethlehem Central High School - Lab School - is asking for our support to the Charity Grassroot Givers: Moula for Mittens.  This charity raises money to buy warm accessories for adults in needs.  Third grade has been asked to donate adults winter hats or a donation of $5 that will purchase a warm pair of gloves, a hat or a scarf.  Thank you for supporting this drive!  Donations are due by January 18th.  Thank you again for showing your child what it means to give, show compassion for others and support those in need. 

Monday, January 7, 2013

WELCOME TO 2013!!!

 To all the families of 3M -- HAPPY NEW YEAR!  I hope you are having a wonderful start to the new year and are staying strong with those resolutions!  As your child may have mentioned already, there are quite a few changes in 3M.  To name a few:  basic facts timed test every Tuesday & Thursday, weekly reflections every Friday (signed by a parent due every Monday), a student teacher, race car math and a few others which you will see coming soon.  Thank you for being patient with our blog hiatus.  With report cards, conferences and the holiday season ... things were very busy but I am so happy to have stayed in touch with you via parent volunteers, conferences, emails, phone calls, etc.  Our classroom blog is not the only way to communicate and I am so happy we are all on the same page about that.  Below you will find some snapshots of what we have been in doing in the new year!  So many more to come ... enjoy!  

In Art class, Mrs, Sieme has bee using technology to show students how they can create art with the click of a mouse!  Lily Humphrey made me a picture using Picasso Head ... Lily knows me to too well to know that I love anything with hearts and a bit of love ... if only my husband knew that too!

Mrs. Sieme is working with Jeevan using Picasso Head.  Mrs. Sieme has a way of making sure every child feels like a Picasso.

Michael -- always smiling, always happy and always proud of his hard work!

Here is a snapshot of what the students see when working with this program.

Fiona, Emma, Tre and Owen worked hard usin  a reader's theater script on the solar system to practice reading with fluency, oral reading and reading with expression!  They did a marvelous job!

We have been working on reading comprehension skills using non-fiction text.  Skills such as the authors purpose, why writers write in certain ways, and how to put information from a non-fiction text.  Here is an example of using the text to compare & contrast different penguins using a Venn Diagram. Your children have been doing an excellent of going back into the text and finding the important information.  They have mastered the skill of re-reading and this has helped them to be able to make deeper sense of the text they read, both orally and written.      

We are well into our unit on multiplication ... which the kids LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!!  You will find that your child memorizes their multiplication facts within weeks and yet some continue to struggle with their addition.subtraction facts that they have been working on for months!  This is because your child, like Maggie above, have been finding patterns and tricks in their multiplication book to help them understand and learn their facts!  You will see their book come home from time-to-time.

After students find the multiplication patterns of a multiple by coloring in their hundreds chart, they write down all the patterns they see using their words.  For example, they notice the multiples of 10 all end with a zero.  You will see in their book, the multiples of 11 & 12 are also presented to them ... THESE ARE ENRICHMENT!  Third graders are not expected to know or memorize their multiples of 11 & 12 however I want to enrich as much as possible and thus offer them to chance to do so.  Third graders ONLY need to memorize facts through the multiples of 10.  Does this make sense?
Welcome Megan Keeler!  She is our student teacher beginning on January 15th for 7 weeks.  She is coming to us from The College of St. Rose and will begin her first student teaching placement at Slingerlands School.