We read an informational text about Jupiter, then analyzed it. We talked about the features of a great description: strong lead, well-organized factual information, powerful verbs, illustrations and supporting visuals, and a strong conclusion. We also talked about selecting and noting facts from multiple sources! We practiced taking notes using words and pictures. Taking notes involves writing down only the most important information that you want to remember, not copying whole sentences and paragraphs. Students took notes using multiple sources on the solar system -- they then took their notes and made the notes into a picture. Kids found that picture note-taking is more fun but not always as easy! Students were able to share their note-taking skills with their classmates!
Analyzing the text on "Jupiter," & continuing to learn highlighting skills & using our highlighted notes for note-taking! |
Writing binders are getting filled to the max with each unit we study! |
Elliot is always willing to share his work! |
Max gets to display his work on the ELMO for the class to see his note-taking skills ... and guess what his notes said based on his note-taking picture! |
Can you guess what these notes are based on the picture? |
You can see how Sophia has quickly grasped the concept of different forms of note-taking! Informational writing should be a breeze for her! |
Hmm ... Jack is showing the class his picture notes -- do you know what he is showing? |